Does Your Company Well Managed in IT Services For Your Business?

Managed IT Services Provider

Today, more and more SMEs are deciding to use IT outsourcing services, and that’s why there are an increased number of managed IT services providers. Before hiring any managed services provider, you need to know the benefits of using managed IT services for your company. In order to help you lean towards this solution, we will present to you the many advantages offered by managed IT services.

Improved Infrastructure

If your IT infrastructure is not performing well enough, experts can help you determine the flaws. They will then make suggestions to boost the efficiency of your system. And remember that an efficient infrastructure contributes to the growth of your entity. You will then be able to face the large competing companies.

Save Time and Better Managing

By entrusting part of your work to an external team, you save time, because you no longer have to think about IT technical problems. Indeed, you can leave the configuration, computer maintenance, updates & upgrades, and testing in the hands of experienced technicians of managed IT services vendors. You can then focus on your core business. In addition, managed services allow you to allocate your resources to other more essential areas.

Security Enhancement

The information you have is a veritable gold mine. If your company faces any sensitive data lost or leaked, it can ruin your business. By opting for IT outsourcing services, you will no longer have anything to fear in terms of security. Experts from your managed IT services company will know how to meet your security and compliance standards.

According to your service level agreement (SLA), they will also constantly monitor your system in order to prevent and detect potential attacks. And if ever an attack occurs, they will quickly intervene remotely or on-site to solve the problem.

Reduce Costs

The use of an IT services provider reduces costs. Indeed, with an in-house employee, you will have to cover the remuneration, the various social costs, and the costs of training. Without forgetting that you will also have to take care of the purchase of equipment. By using an IT outsourcing company, you can benefit from the expertise of service providers at a much more affordable price.

Satisfaction of Needs

The managed IT services provider has all the skills and equipment necessary to carry out all your projects, such as:

  • Managed IT infrastructure: virtualization, migration, storage, and data protection;
  • Managed network service: data transfer, LAN upgrade, optimization of remote networks;
  • Managed security services: control, antivirus, and antispam, intrusion test, or web filtering;

In addition, the services they offer vary in IT audit, workstation maintenance, strategic support for the development of a network, infrastructure supervision, or support for your internal team. In short, hiring an IT outsourcing company allows you to develop your business by focusing on the essentials. However, this solution is not without risk. So you need to be careful.

Reallocation of Internal Resources

Rather than having your employees handle all of your company's IT demands, consider letting a managed IT department take care of the day-to-day tasks essential to running your business, and your team members handle new initiatives and projects. Your employees will appreciate the fact that they won't have to deal with all the small but tedious tasks and can focus on improving your company's IT strategy.
Optimal maintenance

In the same way as before, when your team is about to try to accomplish all the tasks necessary for the smooth running of your business, they do not have enough time to give your IT infrastructure the maintenance they need. A managed IT services provider can ensure your network is running optimally and securely, and can better prevent threats and disruptions.

Increased Flexibility

If a new contract were to fall into your lap, could your IT services scale quite easily? The last thing you want to do is turn away important businesses and clients, right? By using a managed service provider, you can focus on scaling the rest of your business by leaving the IT services to them.

Help Your Budget

By outsourcing some essential, but non-essential IT services in-house, you can actually give your budget a nice boost. This is because externally managed IT service providers have become experts in this field. Instead of investing thousands of dollars in in-house equipment and personnel, you can let an outside IT services company do the job cost-effectively. If you're looking for ways to make your business more profitable, managed IT services can be a great option for you.

Choosing the Right Managed IT Services for You

When looking for a reputable managed IT service provider, you need to consider your company's expertise and processes. Take a look at their reputation and track record of success. 

When you outsource your IT infrastructure, a critical part of your business, to an external organization, you want to make sure they are reliable, trustworthy, and the best in the local market near you.

At Intrigue IT Solutions, our experienced team offers multi-vendor IT solutions comprising hardware, software, and services. We understand the IT challenges many businesses face and have the expertise to help you save money, secure your data, optimize your resources, and achieve your business goals. Find an Intrigue IT Solutions near you.
