No SEO Without Content Marketing

SEO Ranking Is Successful with Content Marketing

How Do You Define Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the method of turning customers into fans. This means that they are no longer only interested in satisfying their factual needs, but are emotionally connected to a provider.

Pull and Push Marketing

Originally, in classic marketing, push marketing meant increasing the offer. The marketer wanted to push goods into the market. Therefore, its measures were concentrated on trade. They tried to be as broad and frequent as possible in the market (i.e. to be listed with large retail chains) so that customers could not get around the brand. 

Pull marketing took care of the demand. Today, the marketer (if he wants) has much more direct access to the customer. The availability of products is higher, for example because the shortage of shelf space online is not a factor.

However, advertising is omnipresent and it is difficult to evade it. It interrupts the internet user in his current occupation and is generally perceived as disturbing. Sometimes he can even pay to see no advertisements.

What is Content?

Content is everything that provides the famous added value. And added value is different for everyone. Sometimes it's hard facts, sometimes its entertainment. But whatever applies: it is for the target group. This is trained, entertained, coached, informed, and involved.

With content you try to make a positive deposit into a relationship account. At some point, the recipient has learned so much from the content creator that he is happy to give something back. So content marketing creates gratitude and also increases your expert status.

The more popular content marketing becomes, the more demanding the audience becomes. However, whoever publishes really good content is perceived as an instance. Content marketing also creates trust in competence.

A business concept should therefore not only have one product. The customer needs several contact points to build trust. It starts at the lowest level with reading a blog post. Then he climbs to the next level and subscribes to the newsletter. Little by little they come to the main product via low-priced offers. There should also be exceptional offers at the top for premium customers. Content marketing at the lower levels creates brand trust and reach.

Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing

Social media is very general and means all activities that go through social networks. Content marketing means only a special type of marketing if you advertise something through content. So, with content marketing you train the customers or offer something interesting. In English it says: 'creating value for customers'.

Social media marketing can mean many things, including content marketing, but it can also mean simple advertising for users like Facebook Ads and not be related to content marketing.

Who Needs Content Marketing?

It is worthwhile for most companies even if it is not looking for new customers. Traditionally you try to increase the traffic on your website through search engine optimization or SEO measures which is very complex. For beginners, I therefore recommend contacting a professional or finding alternative ways.

Why Contents is the King for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

All the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques that you have implemented for the optimization of your website in the eyes of search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and etc.. Contents are very important. With articles or contents that are good and in accordance with what are liked by Google, of course your website optimization will be successful. Even if there are other factors, content is one of the techniques On-page SEO or SEO techniques that we apply to your own website.

Content for Off-Page SEO

While the optimization that you do from outside; your website is usually called Off-page SEO and it is basically looking for backlinks or links that lead to your website. More and more other websites provide links with appropriate anchor text to our website so this will be good for our website in the eyes of search engines. Link is one of the references / recommendations about the existence of your website.

If your website is given a recommendation by an influential web in the eyes of Google, it would be better. One off-page SEO that can be applied is the placement of links on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and etc.

Google Likes Updated Content

Try to update the contents on your website on a regular basis every day, every 2 days or every week. More often is better, because Google has tools like robots that will come when you update your website. This robot will index our articles, check whether your articles should be ranked in the top ranking index or not etc. Publishing 1 article per 1 day is better than entering 10 articles in a day.

If on Wordpress you can write contents and post them with the schedule hours of the month and year you want. For example, today we write 3 contents we can schedule 1 article every day posting for the next 3 days automatically. Many plugins for our On-page SEO techniques are also more optimal.

SEO is Not Possible Without Content Marketing

Without qualitative and relevant content, SEO is no longer possible. Let us know, what are the differences between content marketing and SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the technical processes such as on-page optimization and marketing measures like off-page optimization in order to increase the visibility within the organic search results to bring more traffic to a website or blog.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a communication strategy and corporate strategy for advertising a company or a brand, which is essentially based on the provision of valuable content in the entire corporate communication. It focuses on the creation of content that is really interesting, useful and helpful for a target group.

Key Reasons

Successful business strategies on the online combine content marketing and SEO. Today SEO is all about content and social engagement. This is where a content marketing strategy comes in. However, marketing content must be created and advertised according to SEO aspects such as search relevance, keywords, links and off-page optimization.

So SEO is no longer a technical job for a webmaster alone. There are still a few basic technical things to consider in technical SEO that make it easier for search engines to index a website, such as Meta tags, keywords, Responsive Web Design, Page Speed and etc. But none of this will work for SEO alone unless the right content is available that customers are looking for.

Quality Content is the SEO Ranking Factor

The best placed content is the content that best meets the needs of the searcher. And that can only be achieved with an integrated content marketing strategy. What matters are the quality of the content and the interaction of the readers with the content?

In addition to the semantic and pragmatic factors, the quality of the content also includes an understandable language as well as clear and easy-to-read text structures, visual elements as well as links and anchor texts.

Social Signals

If you provide content that your target groups are looking for, readers will also interact with the content of a website. Then they will like, share and comment on the content, the products, the company or the brand. These social signals in the form of interaction (engagement) are essential criteria for ranking the content.

Cross Media Strategy

SEO and content marketing only work with a cross media strategy via many different communication channels and media (off-page). The better a content is networked on the Internet, the better for the ranking. The higher the qualities of the websites are linked, the better for the ranking. High Authority Domains include classic online media, press and news portals, subject portals, business directories, content portals, blogs and social media networks.
